Watsan Water Filter

Watsan Watsan natural water Purifiers are built using state-of the art nano-technology filter medium derived out of natural siliceous and earthern ingredients and is licensed by IMMT (CSIR – Council of Science and Industrial Research) Institute  with the trademark name Terafil (TM, C) and is approved by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) India. The containers into which the filter medium is fitted are made up of 100 % recyclable,  food grade plastics which come from the premier institute of Plastics of Government of India, the Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology) CIPET . Under the tripatriate agreement of these three Institutions Watsan has created the world’s first ever efficient gravity water purifier.

  • Affordable
  • Runs without Electricity
  • Needs minimal Maintenance
  • Needs no replacement of any cartridges and membranes
  • Rinse, clean the filter candles, no other maintenance necessary, life long performance!
  • Comes with the guarantee and Warantee with Government approved technology and license.

Natural Nano-filters: 3 numbers, with self threading nut and washers. Containers made of Polypropylene (food grade) at CIPET centres, a premier plastics Institute, (Government of India undertaking) moulding facilities. Check for Original Terafil Water Filter with Government Logos and embossing of DST, CSIR, CIPET, IIT -Madras on the container body, made only by Watsan.

  • Country of Origin: India
  • TDS not an essentialparameter as claimed by R.O systems and now banned by Supreme court. The ONLY purifier which retains essential natural minerals in drinking water, which builds immunity and bone strength.
  • Suitable for purification of natural source pond, river, tank water or tap water/ municipal water supply.
  • Capacity: 15 litres top container, 15 litres bottom container, rate of filtration: 5 to 10 litres per hour depending on the turbidity levels of the water.
  • Special feature: Can purify flood water into potable water.
  • No -automation, all self help DIY (Do-It-Yourself) assembly and maintenance; See video
  • Removes arsenic, meeting IS 10500 standards
  • Electricity free
  • Zero water wastage
  • Retains all essential minerals and salts needed for the body
  • Rinse, clean and maintain the nano-clay candles, no other maintenance necessary, life long performance!
  • Approved and accredited by 4 premier institutions of GOI: DST, CSIR(IMMT), CIPET and IIT Madras

Containers made of Polypropylene (food grade) at CIPET centres, a premier plastics Institute, (Government of India undertaking) moulding facilities.

Watsan Water Filter


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Check for Original Terafil Water Filter with Government Logos and embossing of DST, CSIR, CIPET, IIT -Madras on the container body, made only by Watsan.

  • Country of Origin: India
  • TDS not an essentialparameter as claimed by R.O systems and now banned by Supreme court. The ONLY purifier which retains essential natural minerals in drinking water, which builds immunity and bone strength.
  • Suitable for purification of natural source pond, river, tank water or tap water/ municipal water supply.
  • Capacity: 15 litres top container, 15 litres bottom container, rate of filtration: 5 to 10 litres per hour depending on the turbidity levels of the water.
  • Special feature: Can purify flood water into potable water.
  • No -automation, all self help DIY (Do-It-Yourself) assembly and maintenance; See video

  Arsenic Removal Purifier Add-Ons: The Arsenic absorbent developed by Nano-technology “AMRIT” Team of Prof. T.Pradeep of IIT Madras is exclusively used for arsenic removal. Minimum 3 cartridges are attached below each Terafil Candles so as to remove arsenic which are very prevelant in regions Size of the cartridges: 5” x 1.5” with 2 stop check-mesh, one lid Weight of the cartridges: 100 grams each (Total 300 numbers) Expected life of Arsenic removal depending on the level of arsenic in any specific region: 1 to 3 years Assembly  of arsenic removal absorbent by DIY (Do It Yourself)

video: https://youtu.be/xq1VIXvVnHg

Maintenance and re-filling of arsenic remover by DIY (Do It Yourself)

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKPW9Ct4Kno&t=5s  



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